Hawaii’s Mauna Loa observatory, where record CO2 increases are beibng documented. (AP Photo/Richard Vogel) Photograph: Richard Vogel/AP
I have been very busy so it has been a while since my last post (although I have lots still to talk about), but this needs to be mentioned. We have surpassed the 400ppm (part per million) threshold of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, which is a very scary place to be. This is the highest concentration of this heat trapping gas in millions of years, way before humans existed.
Humanity – well all life on earth for that matter – should be very concerned that this line has been crossed. This is bad news. And the worst and most concerning thing about this is, nobody noticed. Well that isn’t true, all the top scientists along with all the environmentally engaged people on this planet noticed, but for the most part this very concerning milestone was surpassed in silence.
Wow. What is wrong with us?
Read more here: http://400.350.org/