
Good ideas and suggestions

Let’s Celebrate BUY NOTHING Friday, Instead of Black Friday, Don’t We Have Enough Stuff?

I shop therefore I am -

It’s all gotten a little ridiculous hasn’t it. Buy, buy, buy – don’t think just BUY! No money?- use credit! You don’t have enough stuff – you need more stuff; get a bigger house to store it all or rent a cubby at U-Store-It. That’s the new mantra of our hyper-consumeristic society. Well, it isn’t […]

The Story of Stuff (Video)

“From its extraction through sale, use and disposal, all the stuff in our lives affects communities at home and abroad, yet most of this is hidden from view. The Story of Stuff is a 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The Story of Stuff exposes the connections between a huge number of environmental and social issues, and calls us together to create a more sustainable and just world. It’ll teach you something, it’ll make you laugh, and it just may change the way you look at all the stuff in your life forever.”

I have posted the Story of Electronics and the Story of Cosmetics, well here is the original of the series which focuses more on a general nature of the overwhelming amount of stuff we use in our everyday lives.

Our Brief History with Fossil Fuels (Video)

This short animated film made by the Post Carbon Institute gives a quick and entertaining history of our use of fossil fuels to power most of our lives, and what the post-carbon world might look like … The most striking thing to me was the mention that from the beginning of the industrial revolution to now is only an amount of time equivalent to about 3 human lifetimes. So much has changed in such a short period, and it’s a reminder that we can change again. Not as fast as many of us would like, but we can do it. The important thing is to steer towards a better world.

Michael Graham Richard

Read more about our post carbon future here at the Post Carbon Institute.

The Story of Our Cosmetics (Video)

The Story of Cosmetics, by the Story of Stuff Project, examines the pervasive use of toxic chemicals in our everyday personal care products, from lipstick to baby shampoo. Produced with Free Range Studios and hosted by Annie Leonard, the seven-minute film by The Story of Stuff Project reveals the implications for consumer and worker health and the environment, and outlines ways we can move the industry away from hazardous chemicals and towards safer alternatives. Here’s the video:

I encourage you to read more on this subject because we are quite literally, unwittingly poisoning ourselves with our personal care products. There are alternatives we can choose, here is a website devoted to this subject.

The Story of Our Electronics (Video)

I will be writing quite a bit in the near future about our ‘throw-away’ society and the impact this is having on our planet. Today I want to talk about the overwhelming amount of electronic waste we produce. Every single computer, TV, VHS player, DVD player, cell phone, PDA, smart-phone – well, every gadget that has ever been produced, will one day end up in a landfill of some sort. Whether it is in one year, two years, five years or fifteen years the outcome is still the same – the product becomes broken or obsolete and it is tossed. Did you notice how I said ‘fifteen years’ in the last sentence, that was for effect, most devices are lucky to last 5 years. How long do you think you shinny new smart-phone will be in your pocket?

Now I can go on in more detail about the toxic legacy these gadgets carry with them; how they harm the workers who make them, how they emit toxins while you use them and how they pollute our ground, water and air when we are done with them, but here is a short video that explains it best. The Story of Stuff Project has created a series of videos, explaining simply and clearly, where our stuff comes from, where it goes when we are done with it, and the impacts of our stuff on not only us but our environment. Here is one of their latest videos: The Story of Electronics:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr – Inspirational Defender of the Environment (Video)

Robert F. Kennedy Jr

When I first heard Robert F. Kennedy Jr speak at Idea City in 2004 I was immediately inspired. He speaks about topics that are very near and dear to my heart; the environment, health, politics, media and of course how they interconnect. I was very impressed with his sincerity and the way he framed and […]

Zen Habits Blog; Smile, Breathe and go Slowly

Zen Habits Blog Logo

I have been following the Zen Habits blog for some time now, and I believe you should too. The blog focuses on these core concepts: simplicity, health & fitness, motivation and inspiration, frugality, family life, happiness, goals, getting great things done, and living in the moment. Leo Babauta, the creator and writer of Zen Habits […]

OK. Enough With The Bottled Water Already

Klean Kanteen

We need to break our insatiable appetite for bottled water. The U.S. guzzled back almost 50 billion bottles of it last year, up from just over 3 billion in 1997. That’s over 1500 bottles every second of every minute of every hour of every day. Think about it … these are just numbers for the […]

7 Things You Didn’t Know About Energy Saving Light Bulbs

CFL Light Bulbs - The Better Choice

The standard incandescent bulb — what we typically think of as a “basic light bulb” — is a pretty inefficient piece of technology, wasting 90 to 98% of its electrical use as heat rather than useful light. Much better are fluorescents, including the now-ubiquitous compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), which are roughly 75% more efficient for […]