Wool dryer balls can replace chemical laden dryer-sheets and reduce drying time by 50%

Dryer balls can reduce drying time by 30 per cent. (Credit: Jennnifer LeBrun)

At my house we prefer to hand dry most of our clothing, but we do still throw some things in the dryer – socks, underwear and towels for the most part. And currently we do use dryer-sheets for these loads, mainly to get rid of static cling. For those that don’t know, these dryer-sheets are […]

Fracking FAQ: The science and technology behind the natural gas boom

No Fracing

Full article can be found here on Grist …. “Fracking”: It sounds more like a comic-book exclamation (kapow! boom! frack!) than a controversial method for extracting natural gas and oil from rock deep underground. By turns demonized as a catastrophic environmental threat and glorified as a therapy for our foreign oil addiction, fracking has become […]

New York bans super-sized, sugary drinks – a step in the right direction!

Super Sized

Hooray! Seriously. This is a BIG step in the right direction. So they banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16oz, this includes pop, iced-tea and other calorie packed beverages. I mean lets be honest, 16oz is already a big enough drink. Now it has gotten right out of hand in the past few decades in […]

Troubling news about drastically declining world fish stocks


Here are some of the recent headlines: Northeast, two other US fishing areas declared disasters – Reuters Commerce secretary declares Alaska salmon disaster – Seattle Times Call to freeze fishing in Europe to replenish stocks – BBC ‘Profound’ decline in fish stocks shown in UK records – BBC Study: 40 Mediterranean fish species could vanish – […]

Is this an intelligent use of resources for 1 liter of water?

Water Bottle Energy Use

“It takes a quarter of a liter of oil and 3 liters of water to deliver 1 liter of bottled water. This is an intelligent use of the human ability to reason, right?” http://unbottledwater.blogspot.ca/ I wrote a post before on this subject; OK, Enough with the bottled water already, this is just a quick addendum […]

Toxic flame retardants: In our homes, our dust, our lives

Toxic flame retardants are found in many household products including items found in your child's nursery

Here are some excerpts from an article on SaferStates.com on this issue: Toxic flame retardants are one of the most common sources of toxicity in our homes and our lives. They are used on everything from computer casings, to furniture, to carpeting, to children’s products. “The problem is, they don’t stay put,” says Rebecca Williams, a […]

Peak Oil is Here, but don’t worry, there is still plenty of oil, we just can’t afford it (Video)

Peak Oil

Peak oil is here, there is no doubt about it. But the industry (and our politicians) say there is plenty of fossil fuels still, termed “UN-conventional oil”, or “UN-conventional fossil fuels”. So what does that mean exactly. Well UN-conventional oil is simply oil and gas reserves that we extract using UN-conventional methods from UN-conventional sources, such […]

The day the world went mad

Satellite image of Arctic sea ice

The title of this post says it all. And I can’t take credit for saying it, this was taken from this article in the Guardian, by George Monbiot. The real truth is, we went mad way before this date, but this is a great symbol for how we have really lost track of what is […]

Banning Junk Food in School Vending Machines Seems to Work

Chunk and his Ice Cream

Well that is a no-brainer really, but at least we now have some empiricle evidence that shows a children with greater access to junk food and pop (in schools as this study shows, but ultimately everywhere) are bigger. This should help local and federal governments enact new rules and regulations to help minimize childrens’ exposure to unhealthy and fattening junk […]